
POST Api/TimeRegistration/V3/Start

Starts a timeregistration

POST Api/TimeRegistration/V3/Stop

Stops time registrations

GET Api/TimeRegistration/V3/Duties?barcode={barcode}&date={date}

No documentation available.

GET Api/TimeRegistration/V3/GetGpsForDuty?duty={duty}

No documentation available.

GET Api/TimeRegistration/V3/Settings

No documentation available.


POST Api/TimeRegistration/V2/Start?dutyId={dutyId}&starttime={starttime}

Start a new timeregistration, save the starttime and the duty for this employee

POST Api/TimeRegistration/V2/Stop?id={id}&endtime={endtime}

Stop a started registration


GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V3/Schedule?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Returns the schedule data for the resource (user in this case)

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V3/SupportsComment

Obtains the fact whether preference block comment is supported or not.

POST api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V3/Submit

Submits a set of preference blocks for a given set of dates.


POST api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V2/Submit

Submits a set of preference blocks for a given set of dates.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V2/OpenPeriod

Obtains the period info of the closed open period.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V2/OpenDate

Obtains start date for continues period or start date of closest open period.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V2/Schedule?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns the schedule data for the resource (user in this case)

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/V2/StandardBaseAvailabilityWeight

returns the standard base availability weight


Get the schedulings for the customer

GET Api/Customer/Schedule?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns the customer schedulings


Get, create, update and delete request for extra codes, such as a vacation or leave.

GET Api/Resource/Request/ExtraCode

Get all the extra code request.

GET Api/Resource/Request/ExtraCode/{id}

Get a specific extra code request.

POST Api/Resource/Request/ExtraCode

Create a new extra code request.

PUT Api/Resource/Request/ExtraCode

Update the extra code request.

DELETE Api/Resource/Request/ExtraCode/{id}

Delete an extra code request for the given id.


POST api/Report/AdvReports/V2/IndividualEmployee

generates an individual report about the given employee


POST Api/Acknowledge

Acknowledge the schedulings that they are seen

GET Api/Acknowledge/HasUnAcknowledgedSchedulings?fromDate={fromDate}

Returns if there are un-acknowledged schedulings

GET Api/Acknowledge/FirstUnAcknowledgedSchedulingDate?fromDate={fromDate}

Returns the firstdate where there are un-acknowledged schedulings


POST Api/ShiftPicking/Unsubscribe/V2

Unsubscribe from a number of shift picking duties


GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/ToSchedule?date={date}

No documentation available.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/OpenPhaseDate?date={date}

No documentation available.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/{date}

No documentation available.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock?currentDate={currentDate}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/InfoAndErrorText?date={date}

No documentation available.

GET api/Resource/PreferenceBlock/Control?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.

POST api/Resource/PreferenceBlock

No documentation available.


Takes care of the settings of a usser

POST Api/User/SetUserProperty?key={key}&value={value}

Sets the value of a proprty in the database

POST Api/User/SetUserProperty

Sets the a userProperty (not sure why still used could not find any logic in the mobile that uses it

GET Api/User/GetUserProperty?key={key}

Gets a userProperty (


GET Api/Resource/Schedule/ExtraCode?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns the scheduledextraCodeInfo's that belong the the logged in user


POST Api/TimeRegistration/Duty/Times

Change the dutyTimes

GET Api/TimeRegistration?startDate={startDate}

retunrs all schedulingdata for given date

GET Api/TimeRegistration/Duty?locationId={locationId}&startDate={startDate}

returns all duties for a specific location

DELETE Api/TimeRegistration/Duty/{id}

No documentation available.

POST Api/TimeRegistration/Duty

adds a duty

GET Api/TimeRegistration/ExtraCode?startDate={startDate}

returns extra codes

POST Api/TimeRegistration/ExtraCode

adds an new extraCode

POST Api/TimeRegistration/ExtraCode/{id}

changes the comment of the extracode

DELETE Api/TimeRegistration/ExtraCode/{id}

removes the extracode

POST Api/TimeRegistration/ExtraCode/Times

GET Api/TimeRegistration/Locations?startDate={startDate}

retruns the locations

GET Api/TimeRegistration/Employee?date={date}&searchPattern={searchPattern}

returns a list of employee no idea how the searchPattern works :s

POST Api/TimeRegistration/RegisterDutyAndExtraCodeAndChangeTimes

ehh not do it all or something

GET Api/TimeRegistration/Locations?latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}

Get all locations that are near the given coordinates If no range is given the search range is within 100 meters

GET Api/TimeRegistration/Locations?latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&range={range}

No documentation available.

POST Api/TimeRegistration/RegisterEnd?dutyId={dutyId}&starttime={starttime}&endtime={endtime}

Register an end of a scheduling, the dutyId and starttime en employee id is used to identify it.


GET Api/ShiftPicking/AvailableDuties?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns all shift picking duties the user can perform between start and enddate

GET Api/ShiftPicking/PersonContracts?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.

GET Api/ShiftPicking/SubscribedDuties?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Returns all shift picking duties the user performs between start and enddate

POST Api/ShiftPicking/Subscribe/{id}/{contractid}

Subscribe to the specified shift picking duty

POST Api/ShiftPicking/Unsubscribe/{id}

Unsubscribe from the specified shift picking duty


GET Api/Version

No documentation available.


Takes care of the authentication of a user

POST api/Auth/Login

Provided with correct username an password will return WebApiTicket. Normaly authenticates through RostarCas Username Password combination. Remember if directory Services is used then change the usernames in cas to a domain\username combination.

POST api/Auth/LogInSSO

Login via SSO throws an HttpResponseException with the status code MethodNotAllow

POST api/Auth/LoginWin

Login via windows authentication throws an HttpResponseException with the status code MethodNotAllowed.

POST api/Auth/LoginSAP

Login via SAP portal throws an HttpResponseException with the status code MethodNotAllowed.

POST api/Auth/LoginDS

Login via Active directory throws an HttpResponseException with the status code MethodNotAllowed.

POST api/Auth/ChangePassword

Change the password for the User

POST api/Auth/CheckLogin

Checks if the tiket is valid (not sure why this has to be done because it is checked in every call you make when implementing the WebApiTokenAuthentication attribute on the controllers) The ConservativeExpiration property is used to allow a ticket to expire earlier because a ticket is not expired at the beginning of the login process, but during the process. If the option "ConservativeExpiration" is set to true, then a default margin in seconds is subtracted from expiration time.

POST api/Auth/SetUserProperty

Sets the a userProperty (not sure why still used could not find any logic in the mobile that uses it

POST api/Auth/SendNewPassword

Sends new password to the email.... not sure if safe(potential security leak)

POST api/Auth/SetUserLanguage

Sets the language of the user


GET Api/Group/V2/ForPeriod?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns the groupnames that the user is a member between the given period


GET Api/Group/Schedule?allMyGroups={allMyGroups}&group={group}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

retruns scheduledata for a specific group (that the logged in user is a member of)


Handle creating, updating and deleting of dayAvailability requests

GET Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability

Get all dayavailability requests

GET Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability/{id}

Get a specific dayavailability request.

GET Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability/EmptyDayAvailabilityRequest?date={date}

No documentation available.

GET Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability/StandardAvailabilities

Get the for the user allowed standard availabilities

GET Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability/AvailabilityBlocks

Get the for the user allowed availability blocks

POST Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability

Create an availability request

PUT Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability

Update a specific dayavailability

DELETE Api/Resource/Request/DayAvailability/{id}

Delete a specific dayavailability request


POST api/Auth/V3/LoginADFS

Login via ADFS throws an HttpResponseException with the status code MethodNotAllowed.


POST api/Auth/V2/CanChangePassword

No documentation available.


GET Api/TimeSettings/GetWeekNumber?dateTime={dateTime}

Obtains a week number through the RostarCAS way based on a given start day of the week.

POST Api/TimeSettings/GetWeekNumbers

Obtains a list of week numbers matching a list of dates and a start day of week.

GET Api/TimeSettings/GetPeriods?date={date}

Obtains a list of periods to be used in period views inside web clients.

POST Api/TimeSettings/GetHolidayDays?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Obtains a list of holiday days within a given period.


GET Api/Culture/GetSupportedCultures

Get the supported cultures


Authenticate through JWT tokens.

GET api/Auth/V5/Details

Get detailed information about login details such as tenant details and is Auth0 active.

GET api/Auth/V5

Main antry point for authentication, parses the JWT token from the authorization header.

POST api/Auth/V5/Check

Check if a username exists in the database.

POST api/Auth/V5/Signup

No documentation available.


This class discript authentication of a user with api call setDisclaimer for webaccess.

POST api/Auth/V4/SetAcceptedWebAccessDisclaimer

set disclaimer of webaccess user


Get all bulletinboard request. Allow others to respond to these requests.

GET Api/Resource/BulletinBoard/V2/UserBoardRequestChanges?lastCheckedDate={lastCheckedDate}

GET Api/Resource/BulletinBoard/V2/HasBoardChanges?lastCheckedDate={lastCheckedDate}


Create update and delete bulletin board swap requests. These requests are - swap, scheduling for schedulings. - offer, schedulings for nothing. - take, nothing for schedulings.

GET Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Swap/{id}

No documentation available.

POST Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Swap

Create the bulletin board swap request

PUT Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Swap/Accept

The responder wants to pick up this request.

PUT Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Swap/Reserve/{id}

The creator accepted the changes from the responder.

PUT Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Swap/Revoke/{id}

The responder want to cancel.

DELETE Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Swap/{id}

No documentation available.


Get all bulletinboard request. Allow others to respond to these requests.

GET Api/Resource/BulletinBoard?beyondRequestID={beyondRequestID}&forward={forward}

Get the boardrequests

GET Api/Resource/BulletinBoard/UserBoardRequestChanges

GET Api/Resource/BulletinBoard/HasBoardChanges


PUT Api/Calendar/StopPublishingICalendarURL

No documentation available.

GET Api/Calendar/ResourceRosterDataICalendar?userID={userID}&userICalendarGUID={userICalendarGUID}

No documentation available.

GET api/Calendar?createNewGuid={createNewGuid}

No documentation available.


GET api/Report/AdvReports/ListEmployee/{id}

Returns a list of reports which are allowed to be viewed by the given employee codeId

GET api/Report/AdvReports/ListCustomer/{id}

Gets a list of reports allowed for this customer and the active user

GET api/Report/AdvReports/Periods?selecedReportId={selecedReportId}&dateTime={dateTime}

Get a list of periods belonging to this report

GET api/Report/AdvReports/{selecedReportId}

Gets the report using the Id

GET api/Report/AdvReports/Type/{selecedReportId}

Gets the type of the given report

GET api/Report/AdvReports/Groups?casUserId={casUserId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get the groups for the given period of time

POST api/Report/AdvReports/Customer

POST api/Report/AdvReports/Employee

generates a report about the given employee or its group


Get the schedulings for the logged in user.

GET Api/Resource/Schedule?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns the schedule data for the resource (user in this case)


Get, create, update and delete swaprequest. These include also work request and get rid of work request. These requests handle request with two known resources, that is the initiator chooses a resource for the request. For anonymous see BulletinBoard requests.

GET Api/Resource/Request/Swap

Get all swap requests

GET Api/Resource/Request/Swap/{id}

Get a specific swap request

GET Api/Resource/Request/Swap/GetScheduledInfoForResource?resourceUserID={resourceUserID}&requestedDate={requestedDate}&scheduledTasks={scheduledTasks}&scheduledExtraCodes={scheduledExtraCodes}&scheduledNightShifts={scheduledNightShifts}

Get the schedulings of a resource

GET Api/Resource/Request/Swap/GetEntityCombinationToSwap

Get the combinations for swapping Can we swap shift and/or extra codes. Can we swap a shift for nothing.

GET Api/Resource/Request/Swap/SwapRequestsIncomingCount

POST Api/Resource/Request/Swap/FindQualifiedResources

Find resources we can swap with based on certain criteria.

POST Api/Resource/Request/Swap

Create a new swap request

PUT Api/Resource/Request/Swap/Accept/{id}

Accept the swap request

PUT Api/Resource/Request/Swap/Refuse/{id}

Refuse the the swap request

PUT Api/Resource/Request/Swap/ChangeComment/{id}

Change comment, only the comment of the user of the current state can be changed.

DELETE Api/Resource/Request/Swap/{requestId}?comment={comment}

Delete a swap request


GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/ResourcesForGroupUsers?date={date}&allMyGroups={allMyGroups}&group={group}

Returns the resources(users) for the group and user

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/Activities?forUserID={forUserID}&date={date}

returns the activities for given date and user

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/ExtraCodes?date={date}

returns the extracodes for given date

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/{forUserID}?date={date}

returns the timerequest for a given user and date

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/{forUserID}/Details?date={date}

returns the details for a given user and date

POST Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/Comment/{forUserID}?date={date}

changes the comment

POST Api/Resource/TimeRegistration

Mark the week as saved, the schedulings must be all the schedulings of that week if the number of schedulings don't match with the planning, those missing schedulings are marked as deleted, also if the schedulingID within a TimeScheduling is not found in the planning this planning scheduling is marked as to be deleted.

POST Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/Submit

Mark the week as submitted


GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V3/GetPlannedAndRegisteredForDay?date={date}

No documentation available.

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V3/GetFirstRegistrationsTodo

No documentation available.


GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/Get?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&forUserID={forUserID}&getHistory={getHistory}

Get the overview with registration to update and submit.

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/Tasks?forUserID={forUserID}&date={date}

returns the activities for given date and user.

POST Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/Post

Add a new registration.

PUT Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/Put

Update a registration.

PUT Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/Cancel

Remove or mark a registration as deleted.

PUT Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/Submit

Submit the registration.

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/HasTrAfterwards

Return true if registration afterwards is enabled.

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/ServiceStartDate

Return the startdate of the time registration service.

GET Api/Resource/TimeRegistration/V2/GetResourceName?forUserID={forUserID}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Return the user (display) name for the given


Get all the request handled by webmobile. In the end this provider is absolete when webmobile can handle all requests.

GET Api/Resource/Mobile/Request?date={date}


POST Api/User/AllowShareAgenda

Sets if you want to share youre swap task duties etc

GET Api/User/AllowShareAgenda

Retruns if you want to share youre swap task duties etc

GET Api/User/OpenItemsToRespond

No documentation available.

GET api/User

retruns the user


Get the request in a specific order. The first part is the open request then the closed request.

GET Api/Resource/Request/V2

Get a list of requests

GET Api/Resource/Request/V2/For/{filter}

Get all the requests that are a match to the given filter. Use All for all requests. Use OutgoingRequests for all requests that are submitted but do not need immediate action. Use IncomingRequests for all requests that need action from the user.


Get the schedulings to register time in for the logged in user.

GET Api/Resource/Schedule/V2/ForTimeRegistration?registerDateTime={registerDateTime}

No documentation available.


GET Api/Resource/Schedule/V3/WithShiftPicking?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.


update and delete bulletin board shift requests. These request are created by the schedulor. The resource can reserve the request or delete them, which means they can be picked up by another resource

GET Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Shift/{id}

Get a specific bulletin board shift request.

PUT Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Shift/Reserve/{id}

A resource want to pick up the request

DELETE Api/Resource/Request/BulletinBoard/Shift/{id}

The resource does not want the request anymore


Get a list of all request except request that are on the bulletinboard You should use Api/Resource/BulletinBoard for that.

GET Api/Resource/Request

Get a list of requests

GET Api/Resource/Request/{id}

Get a specific request.

GET Api/Resource/Request/For/{filter}

Get all the requests that are a match to the given filter. Use All for all requests. Use OutgoingRequests for all requests that are submitted but do not need immediate action. Use IncomingRequests for all requests that need action from the user.


GET api/Leave

returns all leave requests of the user

GET api/Leave?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns all leave requests of the user between start and enddate

GET api/Leave/{id}

returns a specific leave request of the user

POST api/Leave

inserts an new leaverequest

PUT api/Leave

Updates a new leaverequest

DELETE api/Leave/{id}

Deletes the leave request

GET api/Leave/Period?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Returns all leave periods between start and endDate

GET api/Leave/Period/{id}

Returns leave period

GET api/Leave/Period/Open

returns the ammount of openleavePeriods

GET api/Leave/PeriodAndRequest?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.


GET Api/Resource/Request/Change/Scheduled/ExtraCode/{id}

Get a specific extra code request.

POST Api/Resource/Request/Change/Scheduled/ExtraCode

Create a new extra code request.

PUT Api/Resource/Request/Change/Scheduled/ExtraCode

Update the extra code request.

DELETE Api/Resource/Request/Change/Scheduled/ExtraCode/{id}

Delete an extra code request for the given id.


GET Api/Resource/Request/Delete/Scheduled/ExtraCode/{id}

Get a specific extra code request.

POST Api/Resource/Request/Delete/Scheduled/ExtraCode

Create a new extra code request.

DELETE Api/Resource/Request/Delete/Scheduled/ExtraCode/{id}

Delete an extra code request for the given id.


GET Api/Resource/Schedule/DayAvailability?date={date}

No documentation available.


GET api/Location?beginDate={beginDate}&endDate={endDate}

No documentation available.


GET api/Tasks?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

returns all tasks

GET api/Tasks?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&location={location}

returns all tasks with a location

GET api/Tasks/{id}

retruns task


GET api/ExtraCodesToRequest

No documentation available.


GET api/Group

returns the groupnames that the user is a member of


GET api/Customer

returns a list of customers


GET api/Counter

returns the counter for the logged in user